How To Exercise (Without Going To The Gym!)
Do gyms feel intimidating to you? Are you unsure where to start in the gym? Or perhaps it’s that gyms are expensive, or you don’t live close to one?
Read MoreIf any of them sound familiar, then don’t fear! I know a few ways you can still get in exercise, without going to a gym.
Why Is Exercise Important?
Exercise is essential for well-being and optimal health, and it can even be enjoyable.
Exercise has been proven to:
- Reduce anxiety and depression
- Improve cognitive function
- Improve sleep
- Improve self-esteem
- Reduce tiredness
- Relieve stress
- Reduce your risk of major illnesses
How To Exercise Without Going To A Gym –
1. Go for a daily walk – If one 30 minute walk isn’t feasible for you, try breaking it up into 2 x 15 minute walks.
2. Increase incidental exercise – walk instead of drive, take the stairs instead of the lift, break up your cleaning or gardening to do throughout the week.
3. Bodyweight exercises – squatting while brushing your teeth, push ups while watching tv, calf raises while cooking dinner.
4. Use what you have around you – heavy bags of groceries to do shrug exercises, do lying leg curls with weighty cushions on your feet, or walk up and down the stairs while carrying a stack of books.
All of the exercises in the RTH programs are written by a qualified Personal Trainer with examples of how to do each movement, and all can be done at home with a bit of space.
With video guides and modification options for each workout included, who needs an expensive personal trainer? Plus, the community aspect of our online program also means you can get a sociable element in your fitness journey without going to a gym: it’s a win-win.
Studies have shown that doing as little as 10 – 30 minutes of exercise a week can dramatically improve your physical and mental health, reduce risks for chronic illnesses, and have a big impact on blood sugars. Soon enough you’ll be feeling and reaping the benefits, and all from exercise without going to a gym.